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Factual Reportage

From.Ijeoma John, Nnewi

The Chief Medical Director of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital Nnewi,Anambra State Prof Joseph Ugboaja has said that the remarkable progress at the hospital has been significantly catalyzed by the visionary leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the Honourable coordinating Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Mohammed Ali Pate.

He disclosed this during a press briefing at the NAUTH permanent site.

Prof Ugboaja stated that the president and Health Minister’s unwavering support and strategic direction have been instrumental in fostering an environment where ambitious projects like transition of the hospital to permanent site could flourish.

He cited Simon Sinek’s quote “Leadership is not about being in charge, it is about taking care of those in your charge” adding that the improvements at the hospital were part of a broader strategy to boost quality Healthcare across Nigeria.

He revealed that achievements at NAUTH were closely aligned with the Nigeria Health Sector Renewal Initiative ( NHSRII).

” A strategic framework
built on four pillars: improving governance of the health sector, enhancing population health outcomes, unlocking the healthcare value chain and ensuring health security”

“These principles are seamlessly integrated into the hospital’s development and operations, underscoring the importance of a structural approach to Healthcare advancement”

“The NHSRII,through the Compact and Sector- wide Aproach (SWAp) emphasized coordinated efforts between Federal and State governments, developing partners and private sectors entities”

“This integration ensures that resources are effectively utilized and that there is unified approach to tackling Healthcare challenges “he said

Prof Ugboaja disclosed that development of NAUTH exemplifies these principles, showcasing the power of strategic thinking and partnerships through a 10 year development plan aimed at positioning the institutions to be among the top three health facilities in Nigeria by 2030.

He further disclosed the challenges at NAUTH hospital which were presented to the Nation Health Minister during his maiden visit especially manpower challenge that the Minister has started to address it.

Prof Ugboaja revealed that the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (FMHSW) along with its partners was ramping up funding and extending health Insurance coverage through the Basic Health Care Provision Fund(BHCPE).

The CMD said that the initiative was aimed to strengthen Primary Health Care (PHC) systems nationwide ensuring that even the most remote communities have access to essential health services,adding that expertise and advanced facilities at NAUTH and other secondary and tertiary care centers will greatly benefit from PHCs by providing a referral network that ensures continuity of care.

With this, Prof Ugboaja added that patients could receive primary care at local health centers and be referred to specialized facilities like NAUTH for more complex treatments.

Additionally, Prof Ugboaja said that commissioning of the NAUTH permanent site was not just a celebration of past accomplishments but a reaffirmation of our commitment to a brighter future for healthcare in Anambra State and Nigeria at large.

“As we look to the future, it is clear that challenges remain that we will require even more robust collaboration”

“Continued efforts are neccessary to ensure that every Nigerian has access to quality health services ” he said

Finally,the CMD of NAUTH appreciated the Executive President and the Honourable Health Minister for renewing the hope of the masses in public Health sector in Nigeria and for always carrying everybody along.

He thanked the Governor,Prof Charles Soludo for the wonderful work he has been doing in Anambra State especially in the area of infrastructure and health sector.

He also appreciated Sir Emeka Offor for facilitating the Ministerial visit and the enormous resources he spent.

He thanked the Igwes, the Obis,the PGs and some personalities that honoured their invitation and to the God Almighty who made everything beautiful.

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