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Return to parliamentary rule

House group begins consultations, parleys ACF
In their determination to  make good governance a watchword in the country’s democracy through the now clamoured return to parliamentary system of government, the 60 members of the House of Representatives who have championed the course have commenced their consultations to various groups of the country on the need for their proposal to gain support

The group at the weekend visited the Arew
aConsultative Forum (ACF), where the the group pledged to support the ongoing move to return Nigeria to the parliamentary democracy, stressing that doing that will be in the overall interest of the country.

A group of 60 members of the House, had, recently introduced some constitution amendment Bills with a view to returning Nigeria to parliamentary democracy with effect from 2031.

The members noted that it has became necessary to cut down on governance cost, also promised to consult widely on their mission so the project can get necessary buy-in of Nigerians.

Speaking when he received the group, Chairman ACF Board of Trustees Alhaji Bashir Dalhatu expressed delight over the initiative, after a closed door meeting with the group, led by House Minority Leader Kingsley Chinda and its spokesman, Hon. Abdulsamad Dasuki, in Abuja.
Dalhatu assured the delegation of the Forum’s readiness to provide necessary support.

Addressing journalists after the meeting, he said: “We have just concluded a very engaging and fruitful meeting, and members of the House of Representatives, the Group which is advocating for a return of parliamentary system of government. They have asked the Arewa Consultative Forum to sit with them, and engage them, and discuss the issues and define the ways to associate and support.

“But we have agreed that at the end, we are going to constitute a Committee that will be working with this Honourable Members, to look at the draft bills they have prepared and to also make suggestions and inputs, that we hope that in the end will be for the best benefits to Nigeria and our people, and the whole country in general.

“There are many opinions, and there’s a strong opinion that Presidential system of government has run out of control and too expensive and it’s not working very well and therefore it’s time for people and the government to start looking at better alternatives.

“You don’t have to call it parliamentary system. You don’t have to call it presidential system. There should be actually some form of Nigerian system, African, which takes into consideration, all of our values, visions, and views and aspirations, that is going to work for us.”
Also fielding questions from journalists, after the meeting leader of the group Hon. Kingsley Chinda, who enumerated the gains of a parliamentary democracy, emphasized the need for the paradigm shift from the current Presidential system of government.

“But, what we are looking at, yes, we have called it a presidential system but it’s just a constitution review, a change of style that will reduce the baggage of government, a change of style that will make office holders more accountable, a change of style that will make government decisions arrived at easier and the execution carried out easier.

“A change of style that will make everybody in public office not to be a passerby,  not to be sleeping but to be on his toes, and to be the best to our country, Nigeria. We came to meet the ACF, to talk to them about this and to get their buy-in, just like we are also moving round to meet persons, we are also drawing from their wealth of knowledge because a lot of questions are being asked, a lot suggestions are being made and we are enriching our own knowledge which will help us in lawmaking on the floor of the Parliament,” the group further canvassed.

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