Disclosure News

Factual Reportage

By Our Reporter

Publisher of Desert Herald,Tukur Mamu, has given the federal government a seven-day ultimatum to remove be him it’s alleged terrorism financing list and retract allegations of terrorism financing against him.

The federal government had last week listed the publisher, who is currently facing trial for his alleged links with terrorists, as well as aiding the terrorists who attacked a Kaduna bound Abuja train in March 2022 as one of the suspects involved in terrorism financing in the country.

Mamu was listed among 15 entities, including nine individuals and six Bureau De Change (BDC) operators and firms

After he was arrested in 2022, the government said it had found $300,000 in his possession.

The publisher has however denied any allegiance to terrorists.

Mamu in a letter dated March 25, 2024 from his lawyer, J J Usman and addressed to the attorney-general of the federation (AGF), said no competent court of law has found him guilty of terrorism financing.

He threatened to seek legal redress in court upon expiration of the ultimatum

“It is lamentable to observe that on 19/03/2024: while the case against Our Client is still pending, the social media was saturated by a publication allegedly emanating from and authorized by your good office,” the letter reads.

“However, the said publication was specifically made by the “Nigerian Sanctions Committee” wherein Our Client was profiled and designated as a “Terrorist (TERRORIST FINANCIER)”.

“As at the time of this missive, no Court of competent jurisdiction in Nigeria have designated Our Client as such. It is a common knowledge that the administration of criminal justice system in Nigeria, is not only antithetic to, but forbids media trial in whatever guise.

“We vehemently condemn the actions of the Nigerian Sanctions Committee same being a violation the rule of natural justice and prejudicial to Our Client who is undergoing trial, and whose trial is still pending in SUIT FHCIABJ/CR/96/2023.

“We have no doubt about the deliberate ploy to soil the name and the hard earned reputation of Our Client in whose favour the constitutional right to the presumption of innocence inures.

“On the basis of the aforesaid, we demand in very clear and unequivocal terms: the immediate Retraction of the said Publication within 7 days from the receipt of this letter dated this 25th March, 2024.

“Failure to comply with our client’s demand, we will have no hesitation in seeking redress in the court of law for the ventilation of our client’s grievances.”

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