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Factual Reportage

Bandits in the early hours of Sunday abducted five people from Shagari Quarters, Dei-Dei in the FCT.

Vigilante sources in the community disclosed yesterday that the attackers arrived in the area around noon and went straight to the compound of a senior customs officer, where they picked his wife, three of his children and a younger brother.

“They spent more than two hours before proceeding to neighbouring Dakwa community.

“The man used to work in Abuja, with the police Rapid Response Squad (RRS) always parking around his house. But they are no longer around following his deployment to Lagos, though his family is still living in the compound,” the source added.

It was learnt that the gunmen later released the officer’s wife who was said to be heavily pregnant, but left with his children and younger brother.

An attempt by the bandits to attack some houses in Dakwa town was said to have been unsuccessful, following a fierce fire exchange with security men there, which forced them to withdraw, according to the Chief of Dakwa Dr Alhassan Musa Babachukuri.

The traditional ruler lamented that the bandits have made their base behind the Zuma Rock in Chachi community near Dakawa in neighbouring Niger State, which leads to some forests around Bwari.

He called on the government to take serious action against the bandits before they escalate their activities.

The FCT police command spokeswoman, SP Josephine Adeh, was yet to respond to a text message to her on the incident.

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