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Economic hardship: Stop the blame games, Nigerians in dare need of solution, ASAF tells FG, Governors

As Nigerians groan in hardship following the harsh economic policies of the federal government the All Progressives Congress, (APC) State Assembly Forum (ASAF) has called on both the federal and state governments to brace up with the task to lift the country out of it current situation, rather than engaging each other in blames and buck passing games

Recall that the federal government and it’s Party, the APC has continuously engaged in attacks and counter attacks with governors of the opposition People’s Democratic Party (PDP), since last week, following the down turn of events that have thrown Nigerians into further hardship as prices of food and other items have gone soar

While the PDP had after warning that Nigeria is gradually going the way of Venezuela, asked president Bola Tinubu to throw in the towel and resign if he has lost idea on returning the country to a working nation , the federal government similarly called out the opposition governors, describing them as failed leaders who should also take part of the blame over the current sorry situation in Nigeria

Rising from it’s meeting at Ibadan, the Oyo State capital at the weekend, ASAF admonished the federal government and governors of the opposition PDP to quickly look inwards toward reaching an understanding to introduce measures that could restore hope to Nigerians

ASAP in a statement issued at the end of the meeting by it’s Director General, Ambassador Fubara Dagogo, warned that Nigeria would soon be classified as a complete death zone, occasioned by paucity of food and other goods that make life meaningful, of the government fail to salvage the situation

Ambassador Dagogo noted that government at the various levels owe irs citizens an obligation of welfare and security, adding that they cannot be looking the other way, blaming each while the citizens die over poor policies

He urged the state governors to make adequate use of their State Assemblies who he said are ready to endorse their people oriented policies that could return hope to their impoverished constituents

The statement said, ” We at ASAF believe that this is the time to act and act fast. The federal government and governors must introduce measures using their various assemblies to return hope to the people. They must renege from the current trend of attacks, blames and buck passing against each other because all the level’s of government are involved in the untold hardship that Nigerians are currently passing through

” So far it seems like their is no solution to all these, but we at ASAF believe that it is not over yet as governments continue to experiment with the various options on their table.

“The various state assemblies would happily endorse the life saving programs that their governors would introduce because they are really the ones that are closer to their constituents and they also feel the pains of this hardship with them

“Nigerians are in dare need of solutions from government to take us out of the suffering situation, and we believe that the government must think and brace up with the challenges before the hardship sinks the country. This is not the time for blames, rather it is time for inwards thinking by government both at the federal and state levels”

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