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Factual Reportage

The federal government has been urged to investigate the alleged link between the rampaging terrorist groups in the country and islamic cleric, Sheikh Abubakar Gumi 

Giving the charge in a statement on Sunday, a Civil Society group, Rising-Up for a United Nigeria (RUN), demanded for a thorough profiling of Sheikh Gumi, a Kaduna-based Islamic cleric, by the Department of State Security (DSS) for his alleged connections with terrorist groups.

The group which expressed concerns over what it described as Sheikh Gumi’s consistent defense of bandits and terrorists, as well as his willingness to negotiate on their behalf, noted that the islamic cleric should be invited by the security agencies to explain what he knows about the terrorists activities in the country

The group in the statement, signed by Amb. Solomon Adodo and Mallam Suleiman Musa, the Convener and Secretary  respectively, noted; “It is alarming that Sheikh Gumi only raises his voice in favor of these bandits whenever they commit their heinous acts. His interactions suggest he’s not just a sympathizer but a significant participant in their operations.

“His defiance and offer to act as an intermediary for terrorists, especially after the abduction of over 280 schoolchildren from Kuriga, shows his true colors. This type of behavior cannot be tolerated under the new administration.”

The group further expressed dismay over Sheikh Gumi’s recent comparing the terrorists to the Niger Delta situation to demand for amnesty for them, warning that such statements are meant to sustain the terrorists activities, which are tantamount to declaring war on the Nigerian state.

“There’s a thin line between negotiation and complicity. If Gumi is suggesting we reward criminal behavior with contracts, what message are we sending to the law-abiding citizens of Nigeria?” the group queried.

“We implore the Chief of Defense Staff to focus on Gumi, perhaps even listing him among wanted persons. His arrest is crucial to determine the full extent of his involvement with these criminals, particularly in Kaduna,” the statement conveyed.”

The group further warned that inaction and refused of the country’s security agencies to investigate Sheikh Gumi could undermine the efforts of their efforts as well as erode public trust, especially in regions ravaged by kidnappings and banditry for over a decade.

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