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Factual Reportage

From Ijeoma John Nnewi

Bishop of the Diocese of Amichi,RT. Revd Ephraim Okechukwu Ikeakor had on Saturday 8th of June, 2024 said that the greatest problem of the Nigeria Nation was leadership.

Bishop Ikeakor made this known during the first session of the sixth synod themed ” Idolatry, causes,consequences and cure”held at Immanuel Anglican Church ,Ekwulumili in Nnewi South Local Government Area of Anambra State .

He said that God Almighty blessed Nigeria with so much human and material resources .Bishop Ikeakor said that Nigerians were suffering because of articulated bundles of selfish, wicked, insensitive and conscienceless businessmen and women masquerading as politicians and leaders who fed fat on the woes, pains,groans and humiliation of the helpless citizens.

He showed his disapproval on the removal of subsidy without institutional cushioning plan and platforms which according to him had put Nigerians into glaring unbearably.

“Is it not abysmally unthinkable and shameful for after sixty -four years of existence as an independent Nation that Nigeria could not boast of a functional refinery” he said

Bishop Ikeakor described Nigeria as a country where citizens paid for the services that were not provided. He continued to say that it was only in Nigeria that politicians make Citizens to celebrate road construction as a great achievement.

He regrettably noted that Nigeria remained the world’s largest importer of power generating sets yet electricity tariff was hiked to 300% with no electricity which according to him remained an inexplicable puzzle.

Bishop decried that the economy of Nigeria was leading to total collapse,insecurity had taken over the states yet security agencies have nothing to offer as practical solution.

He totally condemned the action of Federal Governement when they announced that eight hundred and sixty billion Naria was Budgeted for 2024 National Census.

” Of what economic, security, infrastructural development use is the this census to an average Nigeria?What is so exciting about counting poverty stricken and hunger devouring populace? he asked

Bishop Ikeakor highlighted what Nigerians needed urgently as : Poverty and Hunger Eradication, Eradication of Insecurity,Banditry and Terrorism, Effective ,Affordable and Easily Accessible Healthcare, Functional, Impactful, Purpose- driven and Well-equipped Education System and Education institutions, Readily available petrol and Diesel at a cost that does not give high blood pressure to Nigerians.

He advised the government to forget about the senseless and gainleas proposal for census.
He urged the government to use the money to give meaningful and realistic minimum wage to her dying civil and public servants.

He reminded the politicians and rulers that they would not hold the people down forever.

“Nigeria is collapsing, Nigerians are bleeding, our youths are not just travelling out ,they are fleeing from the country ” he said

Bishop Ikeakor commended the Governor of Anambra State, Prof Charles Soludo for initiating various projects which included the wonderful flyover constructed at Ekwulobia which according to the Bishop would be a great changer in the the movement of vehicles, people and goods.

He called the attention of the Governor to the major challenge the state faced which according to him were : insecurity and kidnapping.

He mentioned places taken over by hoodlums like Ukpor-Ukwulu axis,Uga- Amesi – Umunze which had become kidnappers feasting avenues without confrontation even the capital city Anambra State was not spare.

Bishop Ikeakor appealed to the Governor to raise the bar of security higher than what was currently in Anambra State.

He showed his disapproval on Technological backwardness in both our Nation at large and Anambra State in particular where kidnappers and criminals would communicate with phones while negotiating with victims of their nefarious activities in this digital and technological age.

He urged Prof Soludo to stop discriminating against returned mission schools in terms of recruitment and posting of qualified teachers.

He also called the attention of the Governor that instead of giving laptops to civil servants with no knowledge of how to use the laptops, use the money to build equip computer laboratories in secondary schools to engage and teach them.

Bishop Ikeakor advised Prof Charles Soludo to listen to the opinion and suggestion from trusted and sincere stakeholders not praise singers and sycophants.

Speaking on theme ” Idolatry, causes,consequences and cure” Bishop Ikeakor defined Idolatry as “image worship, whatever that takes the place of God ,worship in any alter other than the alter of the Almighty God.

He enumerated the causes as spiritual ignorance, impatience, spiritual leadership without spiritual focus ,rebellion,bandwagon.

He also stated the consequences of Idolatry as” attracts God’s anger,transgenarational curse,sexual immoralities,loss of God’s presence, murder ,stagnation and backwardness, mysterious untimely death.

Bishops across the country, priests and dignitaries were present to grace the occasion.

Highlights of the event included Thanksgiving, empowerment of some priest by the Bishop.

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